Zuppa di Zucca (Roasted Butternut Squash Soup)
Zucca con la menta (Butternut squash marinated with garlic and mint)
Crostone con i Funghi (Grilled Bread with Sautéed Wild Mushrooms and Taleggio Cheese)
Appetizers, Foraging, Recipes, Sides Dishes, Vegetableschanterelles, crostone, oyster mushrooms, porcini, tartufo di Pizzo, wild mushrooms
My garden in November
The Gardenarugula, blood peaches, cavolo broccolo, corno di toro, fennel, Fuji apples, fuyu persimmon, Golden delicious apples, Pesche sanguine, spigariello
Roasted peppers Casa Janca Style
Peppers and more peppers
How to make mosto cotto
Recipes, Regional Specialties, Preservescuccia, mostaccioli cookies, mosto cotto, petrali, Sapa, turdilli, wine grapes, Zinfandel grapes
How to save tomato seeds
Canning Tomatoes: the entire process
The first tomato harvest of the season